If you want to know the condition of the engine should check the spark plugs. You do this by opening the spark plug and see ujungnya.Normal conditions, usually uniformly gray or red brick of the spark plug electrode tip to the sleeve. If there is a light gray color, then setting the carburetor is too frugal gasoline. If there is a dark or black color indicates the setting is too extravagant bensin.Basah carburetor, spark plug tip is usually wet, wet wet oil is not gasoline. Because there is a leak in your engine, can be of rocking piston ring, valve boss or engine oil leak too much to lose or leaking valve seal. This oil was also burned in the engine combustion chamber and leave the rest of the wet oil. Usually in 2-stroke motors caused by too much oil mixture samping.Tertutup crust, this is because the quality of fuel you are using bad or ugly, there is a mixture of dirt or ignition angle that is too advanced and you may either select the type busi.Rata with ceramics, indicating that most of the spark plugs are sanded so it abis. So should you buy a new one because if you leave it alone it will damage the engine or Damaged anda.Cacat, it means you are using bad fuel causing symptoms of detonation (nglitik) or the spark plug electrode distance is too far away. So it's best when you want to buy gasoline, you have to be picky. Try now and then you check the condition of your gasoline beli.Penuh White Feather, it indicates that there was a leaking radiator fluid and burned in the combustion chamber mesin.Meleleh, this usually indicates that lit the spark plug prematurely due to an octane rating of gasoline is too ugly or and low degrees of ignition too advanced or too panas.Mengkilap engine, spark plugs wet with gasoline that is not the rest were burned, not oil. This means setting the carburetor less fit, less wasteful. Or it could be one choose the type of spark plugs, less dingin.Jadi should check your engine again, if there is damage should be immediately corrected. Do not wait any more time because the motor is damaged it will be wasteful of gasoline.