The color of each cable of different brands of motorcycles. Basically it's just the cable color represents a positive charge (+) and negative (-).
And describes the meaning of the color electrical wires motorcycle:
Green: (-) period, valid for all negative
Red: (+) battery
Black: (+) ignition
White: (+) alternator charging
(+) Light near
Yellow: (+) load current to a light switch
Blue: (+) beam
Gray: (+) flasher
Blue Sea: (+) sein / right reting
Orange: (+) sein / reting left
Brown: (+) city lights
Black-Red: (+) spool CDI
Black and White: (+) key kontsk
Black-Yellow: (+) coil
Blue-Yellow: (+) CDI pulser
Green-Yellow: (+) brake light
Black: (-) period, valid for all negative
Green: (+) light load current
Red: (+) positive current from the battery
Yellow: (+) beam
Brown: (+) sein / reting left
Green: (+) current load (lighting, etc.)
White-Red: (+) CDI pulser
Green-Black: (+) brake
Black and White: (-) period, valid for all negative
White-Red: (+) charging of the magnet
White-Blue: (+) coil to the CDI
White-Black: (+) brake light
Yellow-White: (+) lighting / light
Blue-Yellow: (+) to the CDI pulser
Red: (+) battery
Orange: (+) ignition
Gray: (+) rear lights
Young green: (+) Sein / right reting
Black: (+) sein / reting left
Black-Yellow: (-) period, valid for all negative
White-Red: (+) battery
Red-Black: (+) beam
Red-Yellow: (+) light near
Gray: (+) Sein / right reting
Green: (+) sein / reting left
Blue: (+) brake light
Red: (+) rear lights
Brown: (+) horn