
The power cord is the definition of the meaning of color in the

The power cord is the definition of the meaning of color in the Motor - motor also has an electronic circuit and the wires next to the engine system. Elektrikalnya cable also has a variety of colors and functions, so you are not confused and also to increase knowledge and insight in order not to zero once you know your own vehicle below is the full explanation.

The color of each cable of different brands of motorcycles. Basically it's just the cable color represents a positive charge (+) and negative (-).
And describes the meaning of the color electrical wires motorcycle:
Green: (-) period, valid for all negative
Red: (+) battery
Black: (+) ignition
White: (+) alternator charging
(+) Light near
Yellow: (+) load current to a light switch
Blue: (+) beam
Gray: (+) flasher
Blue Sea: (+) sein / right reting
Orange: (+) sein / reting left
Brown: (+) city lights
Black-Red: (+) spool CDI
Black and White: (+) key kontsk
Black-Yellow: (+) coil
Blue-Yellow: (+) CDI pulser
Green-Yellow: (+) brake light

Black: (-) period, valid for all negative
Green: (+) light load current
Red: (+) positive current from the battery
Yellow: (+) beam
Brown: (+) sein / reting left
Green: (+) current load (lighting, etc.)
White-Red: (+) CDI pulser
Green-Black: (+) brake

Black and White: (-) period, valid for all negative
White-Red: (+) charging of the magnet
White-Blue: (+) coil to the CDI
White-Black: (+) brake light
Yellow-White: (+) lighting / light
Blue-Yellow: (+) to the CDI pulser
Red: (+) battery
Orange: (+) ignition
Gray: (+) rear lights
Young green: (+) Sein / right reting
Black: (+) sein / reting left

Black-Yellow: (-) period, valid for all negative
White-Red: (+) battery
Red-Black: (+) beam
Red-Yellow: (+) light near
Gray: (+) Sein / right reting
Green: (+) sein / reting left
Blue: (+) brake light
Red: (+) rear lights
Brown: (+) horn