
Basic terms on Motor Specifications

Basic terms on Motorcycle Specs - sometimes we often read news info and specs on new production vehicles, especially motorcycles, many of the terms of automotive and machinery that not all people understand and know. For it merely to supplement our knowledge all of the following existing information relating to the above problems. let's see together.

Machine capacityIndicated by the volume capacity of the machine that is formed when the piston moves upward from the TMA TMB, referred to as the volume step. Volume measures are calculated in units of cc (cm3).The formula to calculate it is:Volume = area of ​​circular cylindrical step length x step= Pi r2 x S= Phi (1/2 D) 2 x S= Pi / 4. D2.S ccVolume Fuel SpaceCombustion chamber volume is the volume of the chamber formedbetween the cylinder head and piston head that reaches TDC.Denoted by Vc (Volume compressi)Volume of CylindersVolume of the cylinder is the sum total of the increase betweenvolume measures the volume of the combustion chamber.The formula is: Vs = Vl + VcDescription:Vs = Volume of cylinder (cc)V = Volume step (cc)Vc = Volume of the combustion chamber (cc)Comparison of CompressionCompression ratio is the ratio of cylinder volumewith volume compression. Comparison of compression associated withvolume measures.When expressed in a formula is:E = (Vs + Vc) / VcE = ratio of compressionVs = volume of cylinderVc = Volume of combustion chamberwhere: The amount of compression ratio for motorcycle touring bikes ranging from 8: 1 and 9: 1. This means that during the compression stroke the charge is above the piston is compressed 8 times the final volume. The higher the compression ratio, the higher end of the compression pressure and temperature.TorqueCompressive force on the rotating turn called Torque, a motorbike driven by the torque of the crankshaft More and more number of teeth on the gears, the greater the torque that occurs. So the speed is reduced to half.Torque = force x distanceThe magnitude of the maximum torque of each bike is different. When the bike work with maximum torque, rear-wheel style are also the maximum. The greater the torque, the greater the power the bike. The amount of torque is usually included in the technical specifications of data, service manuals, or the marketing of a product brochure motor.